Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the cost of the Cosmetology, Barber, Manicurist, or Instructor Program?
A: Please contact the school at 812-699-4118 for more information.
Q: What is the length of training for the Cosmetology Program?
A: The Cosmetology Program is a total of 1,500 training hours. The duration of the training will depend on if the student is part-time or full-time. Full-time students could complete the program within one year.
Q: What is the length of training for the Barber Program?
A: The Barber Program is a total of 1,500 training hours. The duration of the
training will depend on if the student is part-time or full-time. Full-time students could complete the program within one year.
Q: What is the length of training for the Instructor Program?
A: The Instructor Program is a total of 1,000 training hours. To enroll in the
Instructor Program, the student must already be licensed in Cosmetology,
Barbering, or Nail Program for the state of Indiana. The duration of the training will depend on if the student is part-time or full-time. Full-time students could complete the program within eight months.
Q: Do you offer Financial Aid/Assistance for tuition?
A: We do not offer in house financial aid or assistance at this time. However, our school hopes to offer this type of assistance within the next two years.
Q: Will you accept monthly payments for tuition?
A: Yes we will. The Linton Beauty College does offer monthly payment agreements for tuition. Please contact the school at 812-699-4118 for details on payment plans currently offered.
Q: When will new classes begin?
A: All four programs offered at Linton Beauty College can begin on any Monday.
Q: Do you accept transfer hours from other beauty colleges?
A: Yes we do. However, you would need to contact the school at 812-699-4118
to discuss the details of your training hours to make certain those hours
are transferrable.
Q: Do you offer Esthetics Courses?
A: We are excited to announce that Esthetics Courses are coming to the Linton Beauty College in January 2024!